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Decision Lab UK Developing a Novel Approach to Predict & Counter #CyberAttacks for the UK Government.

Decision Lab UK has been awarded further funding from Defence and Security Accelerator innovation team to predict and defend UK military systems and networks from #cyberthreats.

#Cybersecurity has been one of the hottest subjects for both public and private sectors alike.

A key challenge for #cyberdefence is to move to a position where the defender can anticipate the next developments from adversaries, predict where the arms race between cyber attackers and defenders could lead, and deploy strategies and capabilities to pre-empt this.

Our approach, Cyber Arms Race Experimentation (CARE), combines two advanced modelling techniques, #agentbasedmodelling and #DeepReinforcementLearning (#DRL), to address the challenge.

We will deliver a widely applicable capability and trial it in a military context. It will also have great relevance to other sectors, including fighting #cybercrime and protecting critical infrastructure.

Our CEO, Ian Griffiths, said “Together with our partners, Actica Consulting & DIEManalytics, we are looking forward to continuing working with brightest Government scientists and talent from the Armed Forces in this important project.”
#Innovating together!

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Decision Lab