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The effects of #socialdistancing in a fastfood establishment.

Our own Deborah Lentle is one of six presenters in a series of #lighteningtalks – a #Women in #OR and #Analytics Network #WORANN) summer online event: “Fast and Furious”. It will be on 13 August 4pm.

Her talk will be about the following:

#Modelling our changed lives: the effects of #socialdistancing in a #fastfood establishment

In this talk we will look at the changes required within a #fastfoodrestaurant to comply with #Covid-19 social distancing guidelines and how this has been modelled to evaluate the implications of re-opening after #lockdown2020 . This will explore the pedestrian agent-based #simulation that was built to model the flow of customers within store adhering to the 2m guidelines in order to determine under what conditions the store can re-open # #safely.

WORAN SUMMER ONLINE is organised by The OR Society:

#FastandFurious: 6 lightning talks from #women representing much of the diversity of OR.
WORAN online meetings aim to make women visible as #rolemodels and contributors to OR. The meetings are open to everybody:

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Decision Lab