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We’re looking forward to what the #year2022 will bring for us and also for the community. Whilst it is still fresh, we wanted to reflect on the #highlightsof2021. Some of Decision Lab UK‘s BEST BITS FROM #lastyear.

In total, in 2021 we worked with 20 direct clients – including 7 new ones – on 32 different projects in 11 sectors. This shows the incredible #diversity of our work.

It was great to be recognised as one of the UK #Leading#ManagementConsultants for the second year running by the Financial Times in their #DataAndanalytics and #BigData category:
We were also shortlisted as a finalist in the “#Consultancy of the Year” category in the #Water Industry Awards.

From #pharma and #health to #space and #logistics, we delivered some really innovative and yet very practical projects aiming to solve #realworld challenges:
Satellites for Batteries – we used our expertise in #machinelearning to analyse #satellitedata to figure out the most promising #lithium deposits
– LOGOS – our #logistics#optimisation system for Dstl through a DASA organised competition
– helping GSK to improve their R&D pipeline and also plan their factory in Italy
– having a key role in Dstl’s intelligent ship programme, where we’ve developed decision support agents, our CIAO arbitration #AI (to recommend the best decision from the numerous decision agents) and the intelligent ship UI called IRIS.

We have added #MCDA to the portfolio of methods we use in the company, having developed for UKWIR the Best Value project that helps to build practical #guidance for the creation of #BestValue Plans by the #watercompanies.

We’ve worked with #Microsoft and became their official #AutonomousSystems partner through our collaboration on their #lowcode #AI development platform #ProjectBonsai. We are BONSAI READY!

In September Decision Lab UK turned 10 years old! We celebrated our birthday anniversary with a series of posts about some of the things that make us tick and also with a Party!

Wishing you all a good start to the 2022!

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Decision Lab