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Supply chain design and optimisation


Supply Chain Decision Intelligence

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What is anyLogistix?

Is your logistics network as optimised as it can be? Inefficiencies can lead to delays, rising costs, and frustrated customers. Decision Lab can help. We offer anyLogistix, the innovative easy-to-use software specifically designed to simulate and optimise your supply chain.

Mitigate risks and reduce costs. anyLogistix lets you test different scenarios, identify bottlenecks, and refine your processes before implementing changes in the real world. Our team of experts will be with you every step of the way, from installation and training to ongoing support, to ensure you get the most out of anyLogistix. Contact Decision Lab today and transform your supply chain into a competitive advantage.

Network design

anyLogistix helps supply chain network design by finding the best locations for facilities while balancing costs.

Inventory optimisation

anyLogistix helps you find the optimal inventory levels to reduce costs without hurting customer service level agreements.

Risk assessment

Identify and mitigate supply chain risks. Simulate disruptions to proactively improve resilience.

Master planning

anyLogistix software helps streamline production, inventory & transport to meet demand, reducing costs & boosting efficiency.

Sourcing optimisation

Model your network and select suppliers based on experiments made with your supply chain sourcing simulation model.

Case Studies

anyLogistix in Business

How Decision Lab has helped organisations use anyLogistix to solve some of their most difficult supply chain challenges:

White Papers

Next-gen Supply Chain Tool

Discover how anyLogistix is being applied around the world and across sectors. A selection of white papers covering a variety of topics:

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Supply Chain Skills

Join our supply chain design, optimisation, and analytics course:

Try the anyLogistix Personal Learning Edition:

Supply chain decision support

Easy to use

anyLogistix has a user-friendly interface and provides a dashboard of clear insights. Easier, clearer and more in-depth than spreadsheets.

Powerful analytics

Simulation is a next-gen predictive analytics method which, combined with optimisation, makes anyLogistix a complete suite for strategic and tactical logistics network planning.

Data control

Run anyLogistix on your desktop or server, on-premise or inside your private cloud. No imposition of third-party service providers, no public cloud SaaS — all data is kept within your organisation.


Data can be imported from spreadsheets or databases, and custom data flow integrations with other supply chain management systems are supported through databases.

Get Started with anyLogistix Today

If you're looking for a way to improve your supply chain decision intelligence and gain a competitive advantage, anyLogistix is the perfect solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about how anyLogistix can help you deliver transformational cost savings.