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HIGHLIGHTS from Gurobi Days Digital 2022

This week, our partner Gurobi held a fantastic free event for all the community of those interested in optimization. We participated in the event presenting on the The Next Generation Water Investment Model that the company has worked on.

The event included a great mix of teaching tutorials. You could learn about some of the challenges you may face when using the Gurobi optimiser, for example:

  • how to handle challenging models,
  • how numerical issues can cripple in to the optimisation problems.

Gurobi team was generously sharing the free educational tools they offer to optimization students.

Our presentation was among the demos that showcase the power of mathematical optimisation applications. Seeing Gurobi in use of solving real life problems.

To add to the gravitas of this fantastic event, some blue sky ideas about the future usage of the optimisation techniques were shared by the community minds. Here, the highlight for us was the quantum computing panel from the 1st day of event. Amazing pool of the world-class experts brought together in one debate!

And finally, to finish on the playful note, Gurobi Optimization has created an educational game that introduces new users to the power of optimization called “The Burrito Optimization Game”.

All the sessions are available on-demand for people to watch. Enjoy the opportunity: Gurobi Days Digital 2022.


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Decision Lab