Is there a reliable way of predicting what will happen? Is it possible to avert failure before it can ever happen?
The challenge with prognostics is to make sense of all the information available and draw meaningful conclusions that provide insight and
are usable.
Our Foresense is a flexible prognostics tool that solves a range of problems involving flows of data and the need to predict future conditions and outcomes. It can forewarn the user in real time.
General Capability
Averting failure
It’s no longer enough to know what has happened and what is happening - in today’s world we need a reliable way of predicting what will happen. Where there’s a risk that something might go wrong, we need to be able to act now to ensure that everything stays right. We need to avert failure before it can ever happen.
The new approach of prognostics
Across all industries, reliability-centred maintenance and condition-based maintenance are giving way to prognostics. This new approach predicts the remaining life of assets, estimates the probability of failure, and indicates when assets need repair or replacement.
The challenge with prognostics is to make sense of all the information available. It’s not simply a matter of using machine learning and AI to process vast amounts of data. Drawing meaningful conclusions requires more insight. Foresense is a unique prognostics solution developed by Decision Lab to provide that insight.
Building engagement between the user and AI
Foresense combines cutting-edge AI techniques with a highly practical approach. User engagement is crucial. We engage with engineers to understand their systems and data. This approach means we target our technology optimally. It ensures the AI learns from expert feedback. It allows us to present information back to the user as effectively as possible when it most matters, which is often at times when every second is of critical importance. Our record of success with multiple clients shows that our approach works.
The real time prediction
We’ve built Foresense to be a flexible solution to a broad range of problems involving flows of data and the need to predict future conditions and outcomes. Different systems, different platforms – Foresense can adapt to them.
Foresense: Forewarning in real time.
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