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We Receive the Gurobi Partners’ Award!

Last week, our #CTO Ian Griffiths attended the Gurobi Partner Summit in Barcelona. It brought together Gurobi partners from across EMEAI. Gurobi shared with the attendees their rationale for their rebranding #mathematical#optimisation as #decisionscience. This reflects how their amazing technology is used. We have used Gurobi solver on many different projects. A couple of the most recent examples relate to the Water and Logistics industries:

  • Developing LOGOS, which uses the mathematical optimisation to provide a deployable technology for more efficient and effective picking, packing and transporting of material and equipment.

We were one of two companies awarded at the Partner Summit 2023 event. Decision Lab is delighted to have been recognised by Gurobi for our excellence as a Gurobi #partner.

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Decision Lab